The Sun, Moon, and Venus are in Leo. The Moon is opposite Uranus, emotions are big, and tension is likely. Mars trines Uranus; this is a time when drive meets revolution.
It all feels big right now. Conduct yourself with respect for the magnitude of life but don’t get drawn into the chaos. Ground into the earthiness of purpose and progress with love and compassion (for yourself and others). Inside of tension is all this heat and pressure; that’s where revolution resides.
Take care. Take steps. Respect and rise.
To the Tarot, I asked What do we need to be aware of?
A single card.
The Pull
IX (9) of Wands, Reversed

Wellness is a fitness journey that spans our lifetime – not a staged progression to a static status of “healed.”
Every interaction and stage in life opens different parts of us as we and the situation evolve. As we move through we must all discover our grounded selves, knowing where our emotional bodies begin and end.
We are called to awareness, to face our desires and frustrations head-on. We are here to up-level and tend to the entirety of our health with love, compassion, dedication, and yes, discipline.
The labor of fulfilling our dreams. The work of manifesting. A call for progression, no matter how tired or on top of the world we might feel. The unknown awaits.
The 9 of Wands is a call of transmutation, of digging deep into our essential being and alchemizing both our shadow selves and the light in us that calls forward our most divine and loving connections. When the Nine of Wands is reversed, we don’t feel up to the task or stuck in our space, either afraid to fall from grace or afraid to actualize our highest potential.
Avoid self-sabotage. If you feel destructive behavior patterns boiling to the surface, use your skills to de-escalate and turn down the heat.
We’re talking about changing behavior.
Behavior encompasses both action and thought patterns that are subconscious or conscious. Transformation of behavior requires the following three things, in this order:
First, we become aware of our behaviors through discomfort, pain, triumph, or joy – more than often, a multilayered awakening occurs. We accept that we are having this experience and what actions and thoughts brought us to this point. To transform, we enforce loving discipline within ourselves. (Emphasis on loving, see An Aside on Discipline)
If you’re familiar with hiking or climbing, you know about false summits in the physical world. For anyone who has not encountered a false summit, this is what it is like. You’re in a steep part of your journey; you’re working hard to get to the top, to complete the climb. Only to come near to what you believed was the top of the route, the trail -- the mountain itself.
Instead, you discover that there is a long path ahead, your destination on the other side.
Within, you know the rewards of accomplishment await you, and you are tired. Continuing means digging deep.
Digging deep can look like this:
Visualizing how it might feel to accomplish the feat ahead
Reminding yourself why you started
Looking to community to rediscover your purpose
Asking: Will I regret the challenging tasks ahead?
Asking: Will I regret stopping here?
Let yourself know you can check in along the way
Renund yourself that progress takes time, and you know how to care for yourself along the way.
Other helpful things that come to mind!
Wellness is a fitness journey that spans our lifetime – not a staged progression to a static status of “healed.”
Every interaction and stage in life opens different parts of us as we and the situation evolve. As we move through we must all discover our grounded selves, knowing where our emotional bodies begin and end.
We are called to awareness, to face our desires and frustrations head-on. We are here to up-level and tend to the entirety of our health with love, compassion, dedication, and yes, discipline.