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Sagittarius New Moon Tarot: Get Uncomfortable, Surrender

Updated: Dec 30, 2020

This SUNSOAKED crystal guided Tarot reading for the New Moon in Sagittarius direct opposition to Gemini was pulled December 14, 2020 at 11:16 AM EST.

Considering the Solar Eclipse and the New Moon in Sagittarius opposing Gemini directly I have chosen Black Tourmaline, Epidote, Pink Heulandite and a Quartz Point for channeling the collective energetic pulse of our community.

  • Black Tourmaline for grounding and clearing

  • Epidote connecting with Gemini and releasing pretenses of control

  • Rare Pink Heulandite to create spaciousness for change

  • Quartz Point to amplify in accordance with the Solar Eclipse

Holding non-judgemental, or neutral, presence in meditation with Black Tourmaline, Epidote, Rare Pink Heulandite and a Quartz Point I received the following, requests for energetic attention:

  • Control dynamics, releasing false perceptions of control

  • Ego/Self reconciliation

  • Permission for our highest Self to be at the center of our individual existence

  • Naming boundaries and investments in our social experiences like work, family, friends and romantic relationships.


To the Tarot I ask, as always: What do we need to be aware of?

The spread:

Theme: Wheel of Fortune (10 Major Arcana) Reversed

Aspect One: V(5) of Cups

Aspect Two: Temperance (14 Major Arcana) Reversed

Aspect Three: III(3) of Pentacles

This spread felt immediately like a divine calling, albeit a confrontational one. A reversed Wheel of Fortune calls us to attention. We are asked: Have you been doing the work you were called to do in the past lunar cycle?

On the New Moon in Scorpio we were given a challenge for the duration of that Lunar Cycle, ending moments before the current cycle. Our challenge: place the highest Self at the center and release control to embrace the mystery of our existence. Step into the power of engaging our external world with a sense of neutrality that liberates us from triggers and internalized traumas; releasing us from demeaning self-talk and self-sabotage.

Now, we are being asked: What is being revealed to you? In what ways have you surrendered your ego? Have you internalized that you are ready for the mystery of the future?

These questions feel hard - and they are. We are being challenged to grow through exploration. (Mega Sagittarius energy).

For each of us the answers will be different. What matters most is that we are each engaging the mega-quandaries of life with self-compassion and radical honesty. We develop as we consider questions like: Am I being real with myself? In what ways am I taking on responsibilities that are not for me? In what ways have I denied my truth? Have I been working from a victimized mentality, or a place of grandiosity? In what ways am I growing, holding or regressing?

These processes of self-consideration are pivotal for higher-Self revolution. Like all revolutions, Self-revolution is tied to the experiences of living and learning through discomfort.


Get uncomfortable. Surrender to the mystery of living. Release distorted beliefs about control - enter the complex multi-layered alchemy of your divine presence.

The Wheel of Fortune Reversed calls us to embrace revolutionary discomfort without labeling it. Nothing is wholly one thing or another; we grow exponentially when we internalize that all things exist on a spectrum. And that we are capable of controlling only ourselves. Breathe that in with so much love - “I need only control myself”.

When we are aware of what we are holding and we take responsibility for our path we become revolutionary. In response to acute awareness we begin to have a clear sense of what our individual challenges and gifts are. From a place of Self-knowledge we are better able to feel deeply into discomfort to identify our growth, describe what is self-effacing and what is healing.

When we are able to see, feel, and act from the glow of our highest and best we are most able. We become well equipped to persevere through our frustration and discomfort with compassion.

V of Cups: In aspect with the Wheel of Fortune Reversed and its neighboring card Temperance Reversed the Five of Cups calls us to awareness; to a tending of our whole existence. We are invited to connect with our inner children through reparenting. We are invited to create a spacious environment for internal dialogue. We are invited to look holistically at the spectrum of our lived experience.

We are welcomed to take stock - identifying the darkness and light that is within and around us.

We are invited to deeply understand our grief, be compassionate with the uncomfortable processes of our development. And to get clear on this: pain is temporary.

Internalize that our grief deserves adequate energetic attention so that we might resolve the beliefs, behaviors and traumas that lead us to harm. This is liberating heart and sacral chakra work, we stepping into Self-responsibility. We are invited to do the work without overwhelming ourselves - and without degrading ourselves.

What is the V of Cups not? A demand, or an air horn to snap out of it. It tenderly prods us to keep moving through because we can’t go around what is meant for us.*

Temperance Reversed is asking us to stop resisting and embrace our capacity for alchemy. With our multitude of energetic and worldly gifts we are so completely capable and ought not shy away from what deeply calls us. What beckons us to our strength?

We are reminded that creating in congress with our highest Self is an act of service to self, and all. Hear this: when we act in accordance with our highest Self we elevate our personal and shared existence.

III(3) of Pentacles

As we synthesize our experiences, we understand how we show up in the world. When we go through the energetic work of understanding, maybe reconciling trauma, maybe revolutionizing the Self, we emerge exhilarated. We become skillful in creating boundaries, identifying our greatness and the greatness in others.

We are available to receive. Available to create healthy connections across all aspects of our existence. We are charged, energized, for the compelling, mysterious journey ahead of us.


* None of this is to say that abuse, intentional harm and clinical depression should be ignored. You have every right to protect yourself from harm. These things are very real, and demand our immediate attention - if you are in need of support reach out when it it is safe to do so:

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800.273.8255

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800.799.7233


SUNSOAKED Tarot Philosophy:   Tarot is a mutualistic and spiralic archetypal narrative: at any given time all aspects of the Tarot are playing out in our conscious and unconscious lives. Reading Tarot is a self-exploratory reflective practice, whether you are reading for yourself or receiving a reading. It is not a predictive measure. The deck I read with is the Wild Unknown from Kim Krans - the non-human, and abstract, visuals on the cards speak to me. 

SUNSOAKED Energy is a holistic community dedicated to insight, action and growth. © Briget Heidmous

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