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Super New Moon in Virgo: Resilience In Times of Changeability

This lunar cycle kicks off with a Super New Moon in Virgo: it is spinning the wheel and jumpstarting a period of adjustment. A spacious, polarizing and grounding cosmic field is available to us early on. Underlying is a sense of changeability which can feel destabilizing and may bring out our more controlling behaviors. If any of us are entering this lunar cycle unprepared we may find ourselves falling back on self-effacing habits like perfectionism, including perfection-paralysis or the state of non-doing for fear of failing; people pleasing; manipulation - the list goes on. 

During this lunar period we are straddling dutiful and fastidious Virgo and chatty, partnership oriented, balanced Libra.  Based on the placement of the Super New Moon in Virgo I chose polished Iolite and Tourmalinated Quartz as conduits for channeling the collective spirit of our community. Iolite for it’s properties as an aide to navigating and tending towards the internal world and Tourmalinated Quartz for it’s highly energetic clarifying capacity. As an agent for this reading I was guided to bear non-judgemental witness to shared experiences surrounding themes of reciprocity; action and perfection; acceptance; compassion towards Self; control dynamics and internal worlds.  

To the Tarot I posed: What does our community need to be aware of during this lunar cycle? 

The Message: Work on you. Care for you. This is not outright selfish: it is self-valuing. Root deeply into yourself to sway with the winds and tides. Shine, and tend, the light within; keep you, your vessel, lusty and nimble. 

VIII(8) of Pentacles, in our Theme Placement, conveys to us that fortune and challenge favor the prepared. Diligence, attentiveness and calm are challenged and cultivated during this period. These are challenging requests under usual circumstances - so please be gentle with yourself. It is possible that we may be well equipped for the fluctuations of this cycle now more than ever. We have been spending more time in the presence of ourselves while we have been both embracing and enduring solitude and loneliness.  

VIII of Pentacles is both active and self-compassionate. It is proactive without being knee jerk. In this card a spider spins a lovely web and we are reminded of the tenuous and useful properties of latticework. Punctuated by the persistent, calm, care the spider offers it’s vessel. The web is representative of our respective vessels. When a spider’s web is damaged it’s creator assesses and mends damaged sections. Spiders excise what is dead in, or em-burdening, their vessel. They without pause go to work on patching the disrupted section; creating new rejuvenated space for reception. 

The web, like our vessels, is where we catch what we call to us - from which we cut out and release what no longer serves us. We then get to work on the process of healing. The cycle is: catch, clear, cultivate. 

Spider’s webs and our vessels (internal worlds) are ever evolving ecosystems.  

This kind of cultivation reminds us that our internal worlds are the only places where control is truly possible. We control only ourselves: this lunar period will make that extremely clear, without devastation, to all who are attuned. Especially if you are priming yourself to be diligent and attentive to what is happening within and limber handling what comes to you.  The Moon is in our Release placement during this cycle - when this card comes up in this space it is calling us to release any false sense of control. Let go of illusions of certainty, absolutes and manipulations of the self and others. When there is mystery - embrace it. 

This is an incredibly powerful release and equally challenging. The messaging is clear: the practice is a lifelong dedication to developing trust in spirit, and trust in self. 

The Wheel of Fortune is in our Activation placement - this is intense anything can happen energy. Fortune is out of our control. We surrender to fortune, the more completely we surrender the more easily we receive the illuminations we need most. Acceptance frees us to tend our  lovely vessels: construct, inherit, clear, re-build. While the wheel spins on, we mind our internal lives the more connected we become to reality and purpose. Let go of what is trying to leave. Bravely cut out what is weighing you down. Patiently, compassionately, fortify yourself with healing. 

Stay light and nimble to embrace this mega-revealing cycle. Tend yourself with compassion -- accept the challenge of releasing control. Points of reciprocity arrive here. Attempts at controlling others leaves very little space for reciprocity and clarity. Stay connected to your intuition regarding giving and receiving, be present for healthful partnerships especially those of worldly relation. Think business, down to earth intimacy and connections that you are prepared for.  This is not a time for reaching or over extending. It is a time for presence and reception. Do the vital internal work - be that embracing more joy or maintaining commitments you’ve made to yourself. Open space for embracing wisdom, clarity and mystery. 

The Empress is in our Consideration placement. In the highest vibration this card calls us to energetically align our energetic purpose with the earth. In this reading we are reminded that Self-esteem is paramount - especially in times of change and release. When we are doing Empress work we are playing with the building blocks of Strength - this energetic call emerges when there is enough space and freshness to our Self understanding. Be ready to be challenged. Be willing to reconnect, or connect for the first time, with your abundance in its many forms.   

Diligence, attention and compassion given to our internal worlds engenders resilience. 


SUNSOAKED Tarot Philosophy:   Tarot is a mutualistic and spiralic archetypal narrative: at any given time all aspects of the Tarot are playing out in our conscious and unconscious lives. Reading Tarot is a self-exploratory reflective practice, whether you are reading for yourself or receiving a reading. It is not a predictive measure. The deck I read with is the Wild Unknown from Kim Krans - the non-human, and abstract, visuals on the cards speak to me. 

SUNSOAKED Energy is a holistic community dedicated to insight, action and growth.

© Briget Heidmous

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